Sunday, February 24, 2008


We went boxing this morning at an investigators house. I was laughing so hard...

This is at our open house, my companion did a really good job with our display room. There was lots more than this in it. Do you think i'm getting fatter. I think i probably won't lose weight here only gain...

This is Randy and me at the MTC. The other one is my friend from the other district going to the philippines and the boy is randy's companion from the mtc and the girls friend from Canada.
This sign says please only speak only, don't pee here. Funny huh.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

We found a beach. But as you can tell there is loads of trash on it. It's the only one we've found. We played volleyball on it because my companion is really good.
This is us on a weird tree on the beach.
After President Hinckley's funeral. I was telling the person who was taking the picture to hold the button down harder and then she took it and my face was weird. The brother on the far left just got his mission call to San Diego California. He's excited because usually Philipinos don't leave the country.
This is our house and the three girls are some of the youth in our ward who came to work with us. This is our balcony. Our house has lots of yellow on it. It's to remind us to always be happy. Our clothes are hanging out to dry.